Peltonen on aina ollut
kujeilija. Hän rakastaa piloja ja kepposia, ja on aina valmis kokeilemaan niitä Usvametsän asukkaisiin. Erityisesti lapset nauttivat hänen keksimistään kepposista. Kerran
hän loikkasi sisarensa Prissy eteen, ja huusi "Böö!"
niin äänekkäästi, että hän pelästyi itse.
Lester Peltonen has always been a prankster. He loves gags and pranks, and is always ready to try them in Usva metsän inhabitants. In particular, the children enjoyed his pranks. Once he jumped in front of her sister Prissy, and shouting "boo!" so loudly that he frightened himself.
Lester Peltonen has always been a prankster. He loves gags and pranks, and is always ready to try them in Usva metsän inhabitants. In particular, the children enjoyed his pranks. Once he jumped in front of her sister Prissy, and shouting "boo!" so loudly that he frightened himself.
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