perjantai 20. joulukuuta 2013

Karhut osa 1

Tässä on suurin Pikkaraisten ryhmäni: Karhut. En itse oikein juurikaan välitä näistä, mutta kun karhuja on tullut eniten vastaan täällä Suomessa. Taidan jossain vaiheessa harventaa joukkoa ja myydä muutaman kerrallaan näistä joskus tulevaisuudessa.

Bear Group nr. 1

This is the largest group of my Forest Families: Bears. I actually do not really much care about these, but the bears have become the most widely received here in Finland. I think I will at some point reduce the frequency of the set and sell a few of these at a time in the future.

2 kommenttia:

  1. I see several varieties of bear here, even though they're all brown. Where do you find these vintage bears? At thrift stores? xo Jennifer

  2. These bears were popular toys in Finland, 80's and 90's. These can be found sometimes at flea markets, but most are sold online Retro styled toys. These belong to Forest Families series rather than the Calico Critters. Bears are very common, but other animals are rare here. I put a link here, where you can find the differense of Forest Families, Calico Critters and Sylvanian Families.
